Legal Services
You can contact the Union lawyers for expert advice on legislation, agreements, taxation and entrepreneur issues. Members of the Finnish Musicians’ Union are also entitled to apply for legal aid paid by the Union.
The Finnish Musicians’ Union offers personal legal advice on legislation, agreements, taxation and entrepreneur issues as well as legal aid. Legal aid is available for issues concerning, for example, recording, publishing and performance sale agreements as well as collective agreements. Union lawyers also submit applications for pay security on behalf of Union members.
As a membership benefit, the Union members are entitled to legal services of Evershed Sutherland on private life legal issues. More on this benefit below.
Head of Contracts Mirkka Kivilehto: Collective agreements and private contracts related to them.
Lawyer Ilona Vartiainen: Private contracts, general legal advice, copyright advice.
Financial Manager Marko Koskela: Taxation advice.
Please contact the lawyers by email. Make sure to write an adequate explanation on your matter, and any documents, such as contracts and correspondence, related to it. If needed, you can book a phone appointment with the lawyer.
Contacts are handled in the order they arrive in, so make sure to reach out in good time.
Contact information
Mirkka Kivilehto, Head of Contracts
Ilona Vartiainen, Lawyer
Marko Koskela, Financial Manager
Security mail (Turvaposti)
If your contact contains confidential personal data, such as contracts or other documents with your social security number or information about your health in it, please send them by security mail (Turvaposti). Do not send confidential personal data by email.
Legal Aid
If, for example, a dispute must be referred to a court, the Union may grant legal aid to its member. Legal aid is applied for with a written application in accordance with the legal aid rules. The applicant must accept and sign the commitment to follow the legal aid rules. The legal aid rules are provided below.
Eversheds Sutherland: Advice on legal matters in private life
Members of the Finnish Musicians’ Union are entitled to telephone advice from the lawyers of Eversheds Sutherland regarding legal matters in private life.
How should I proceed with a dispute about an apartment sale? How to transfer equities from one generation to another? How are taxes determined? What benefits prenuptial agreement offers?
These are some questions that experts at Evershed offer answers to. Lawyers give advice to thousands of people every year, so they have a lot of expertise in legal issues and dispute settlements.
Telephone advice covers the matters which the member can present and the lawyer can sort out by a phone call. If the matter can’t be sorted out during a phone call, the member can make an appointment, which is charged separately.
The member has to state their member number when making the call. Telephone advice is given on weekdays from 10 am to 4 pm at number 010 684 1400.
The price of the phone call is determined by telecommunication service law based on the caller’s phone plan.