Answer the Survey on Equality in the Music Industry by March 8th

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Please answer this survey by March 8th. It will take about 5–10 minutes of your time.

All answers will be analyzed completely anonymously. When submitting your responses, please make sure not to disclose any personally identifiable information about yourself, including your name, e-mail, phone number etc.

We will publish the survey results in May 2022. The survey and following analysis is conducted by third party Inklusiiv.

Answer the survey by the 8th of March >

The survey has been commissioned by the following organizations: Finnish Musicians’ Union, Finnish Music Creators, Music Finland, IFPI Finland, The Collective Management Organisation for Recorded Music in Finland, Jazz Finland, The Finnish Music Publishers Association, Association of Finnish Symphony Orchestras, The Society of Finnish Composers, Finnish Composers’ Copyright Society Teosto.